What Happens During An Online BFA Program In Graphic Design?

Education & Development Blog

Graphic design is a unique field that combines art and communication. Graphic designers use text and images to communicate ideas in thought-provoking, aesthetically pleasing ways. If you're interested in becoming a graphic designer, you can pursue an education in this field. Here are four things you should know about earning your BFA in graphic design through an online program.

1. You will learn the principles of design.

Art is subjective, but there is also a science to it. Certain principles of design have been used throughout history because they produce pleasing results. For example, placing complementary colors together can create visual tension. Meanwhile, analogous colors can create visual harmony. When you pursue a BFA in graphic design, you will learn the design principles you need to create effective works of art.

2. You will learn to work on projects effectively.

As a graphic designer, you will make art pieces to others' specifications. You will have to convey specific information using the appropriate medium, and you'll often have to work on deadlines. An online graphic design program will teach you effective methods of working on projects. You'll learn how to make thumbnail sketches of ideas to test them before committing to rendering your final piece. You'll also learn how to manage your time so you can consistently meet deadlines. The skills you learn during a BFA graphic design program will be invaluable to you throughout your career.

3. Your work will be critiqued.

Practicing diligently will allow you to further your design skills. However, practice alone is not sufficient if you want to truly excel. Art critique is a time-honored process that allows artists to learn from their mentors and peers. During a graphic design program, you will present your completed projects to your class. Your classmates will give you feedback based on their opinions of your work. Your professor will also provide feedback. You can use the things you learn in critiques to improve your next graphic design.

4. You will learn to critique others' work.

You will also critique your peers' projects during your graphic design training. Learning to view art with a critical eye is a vital part of the learning process. You must learn to assess graphic design projects using various metrics, including aesthetic value and communication success. You must also learn to deliver your critiques in clear, helpful language that honors the hard work your peers put into their designs.

Learn more about enrolling in a program from a school like Sessions College for Professional Design today. 


19 January 2021

Understanding How To Brighten My Future

I have always been an overwhelmingly positive person, but a few years ago I realized that there were some things I needed to straighten out in my life. For starters, it seemed like I was really having a hard time advancing in my career, and I was also struggling with money. I realized that if I wanted to make things right, I needed to start by focusing on my education. I began going through and working hard to further my horizons, and it was really interesting to see how much of a difference a little learning made. This blog is all about understanding how to brighten your future with education.